Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tuxtla Gutierrez...and the mango-piña

After visiting Salina Cruz, Nolan and I traveled to Tuxtla Gutierrez, the capital city of the state of Chiapas. We are still here, and we love this place. They are going to have to drag us out of here.

We are staying in the home of Victor and Leti. Below you can see Victor relaxing in the hammock with his daughter Fernanda. A hammock is a great place for a nap or a good night's rest.

Victor and Leti are treating us great, but we do have one complaint. The first night here, they gave us some fruit that we had never seen. Leti showed us how to eat it, by rubbing it to release the juice, making a little hole in the top, and then sucking it out of the hole. We loved the crazy new flavor and Nolan quickly finished his, and I ate two of them. Leti told us they are called mango-piñas. What she did not tell us is that they are natural laxatives. We spent the next day or so fighting for the bathroom and carrying baby wipes (know as Cremosas) everywhere we went. We are all better now, but learned a good lesson. All members of the mango family are laxatives, and the mango-piña is the most potent of all.

Back to business...There is an awesome group of students here that is very excited about starting a ministry on several campuses. In the mornings, we have been visiting different campuses and meeting with students there, while in the evenings we have been spending time with the student leaders, training them, and just having a good time. The picture below is of Nolan, Deborah, Andrea, and Josh. We were at the zoo.

The next picture is of Nolan and Oscar.

Oscar and Deborah study medicine at the school right across the street from the internet cafe where I am writing this. Andrea studies civil engineering with Ismael, another buddy who we have been spending time with. We need to go right now to meet up with some friends for lunch, but we will update you again soon. We have lots of fun things planned for the next few days, and we are looking forward to spending more time with the students here in Tuxtla. I will leave you with a picture taken earlier today on the Med School campus of the Universida Autónoma de Chiapas. Pictured are Nolan, Angela, Deborah, Josh, and Oscar. Deborah is giving Josh the infamous Zoop that is currently being spread all over the southern part of the country. Until the next time, stay away from the mango-piñas!

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