Thursday, June 28, 2007

Salina Cruz

Salina Cruz is a pretty large town on the southern coast of Oaxaca state. There is a major PEMEX oil refinery there, as well as a very busy port. The majority of the people work for PEMEX, at the port, or in the fishing industry.

Nolan and I arrived in Salina Cruz on June 19th. We met Emanuel, and stayed at his house for a few days. On our second day there, we traveled about an hour away to Juchitan to visit the university campus where he studies. The picture below is Nolan, David, Josh, and Emanuel at Universidad Autónoma del Istmo.

Near Emanuel's house is a large hill where you can see a panoramic view of the city. We went there a couple of times to check things out. There is a large cross on the top. The next picture is of Nolan and Josh at the cross.

We worked hard in Salina Cruz, spending a lot of time with students and sharing a lot with Emanuel, but we did have some time for diversion. One morning we went to a beach not far from the city to ride some big waves. Below is a picture of Nolan and I at the beach.

We also ate some interesting food in Salina Cruz. Our last day there, Emanuel's parents made some good fish and shrimp. The fish looked like it had just been taken off the hook. Below is a picture of my plate after finishing one fish, and preparing to start on another.

On our final day in Salina Cruz, we also went to a very secluded beach about an hour west of the city. It was one of the nicest beaches I have ever seen. We spent the morning playing in the clear water, relaxing, and enjoying having the place all to ourselves. Honestly there wasn't another person on the entire beach as far as we could see in either direction. It was awesome. The place is called Chipehua, and you can see it below.

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