Saturday, June 16, 2007

Greetings from wild Oaxaca

Nolan and I are a little more than 24 hours into our adventure, and we are having a great time. Last night in the México D.F. airport we were able to eat at Italiani's and we picked up two dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts. We would have bought more, but they only had 13 glazed when we arrived. The two pictures below are Nolan and I taking our first bites of the soft, sugary treats.

Upon arriving in Oaxaca we met up with our buddy Manuel, who took us to the Hotel Monte Alban, a lovely building right on the main town square. It is over 400 years old, yet has wireless internet. You can't beat it for the price. Tonight being a Saturday, and the day before Fathers' Day, there was a lively festival in the square. It was called Noche de las Luces, or Night of Lights. The following picture is of Nolan and I participating in the festival.

Not only were people holding lights and carrying large globes and figures, but there were also many fireworks, bands, and lots of dancing. Despite the heavy rain, the Oaxacans showed up in large numbers, and danced under ponchos and umbrellas. A young lady named Tanya, who is from Mexico City, pulled Nolan into the dancing action. Below is a picture of Nolan and Tanya, dancing in the rain in front of the cathedral.

Don't think that everything we do is fun and games. Earlier today we went to the main university campus here in the city, and tomorrow we will be meeting with several students. The picture below is of Nolan and Manuel on the university campus.

Finally, before coming back to the hotel for the night, we had to check out an art display in the local government palace. Oaxaca is known for its art, especially pottery, and the artesans' displays were awesome. The picture below is of Nolan with a ceremonial mask. Notice the matching orange tongues. Nolan had been drinking some Gatorade just before this.

Well, that's all for now. We are going to get some sleep and prepare for another great day in Oaxaca. We'll update you again soon!

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