Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ciudad Obregon continued......

Amy and I with Hector and his family in front of their church. We had a good time staying with them in Obregon and getting to know their family. Hector is a doctor and his wife is a nurse. They work hard at their jobs but then also spend plenty of time at their church. Hector is the pastor at this church, which is a mission church started a few years ago by another church. Hector is the leader of the MIES in Obregon. The student ministry there has been strong in the past but in recent years there have been less and less students.
Our friend Jose, Amy and I at the lagoon in Ciudad Obregon. We had been eating some coconut and then for some reason thought it would be fun to make mustaches out of torn off pieces of the coconut. This is our first picture when we just held the coconut....what followed were many more pictures of us trying to keep the mustaches on without holding them. We had so much fun with the people in Obregon....everyone was so friendly and made us feel right at home.
Eating hot dogs with Hector's family. It seems like every city we went to up north claimed their hot dogs were the best! Everyone wanted us to try one in the cities we were in.

Amy and I with Emmanuel, one of the students we met, visiting the campus of ITSON, Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora.

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