Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Los Mochis

Amy and I with Abner, our contact in Los Mochis, his two kids, and his dad. We loved our time in Los Mochis. It is not a very big city, but we had a great time with Abner and his family. Abner has had a lot of experience working with students in Los Mochis, but now is busy as a pastor of a new church. He would love to help with students, but we need someone to rise up and be the leader to start a ministry with students. The night we got there, Abner had arranged for us to meet with some students from different churches who were interested in student ministry. We shared with them what MIES was and they seemed interested and asked us several questions about how to begin a ministry.
Amy and I at one of the campuses in Los Mochis. As you can tell by my closed eyes, Abner loved to take pictures on the count of 2 instead of 3.

Amy and I with some students we met on the campus of the Universidad de Occidente. We just started talking to them about their campus and then ended up sitting and talking to them for an hour. This would be a great school for Target Harvest (www.targetharvestmexico.org) because Abner is a great resource in Los Mochis and would be a great support.

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