Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ciudad Obregon... the adventure continues

Hello de Obregon... actually, we are in Los Mochis... but, we didn´t get a chance to update from Obregon... and this is just the first part. We are sitting in an Internet Cafe accross the street from the University... and all of the pictures wouldn´t fit on our JumpDrive... so, check back we will update more soon! But for now...

We met with some Jovenes (Youth) from several different churches around Obregon... we had a chance to listen in on their meeting about missions. We also had a chance to share with them our call to missions and what God is doing in Guadalajara and Puebla.

We had a chance to spend some time in prayer with our new friend Jose... We met Jose in Hermosillo. He studies there but his family lives in Obregon. We just happened to be in his church for the Wednesday night service and met him... he offered us a ride home that night- and then the rest is history. We feel like we have known Jose for years! He gave us a ride to Obregon and helped us out a lot! We got to meet his family and spend time with his church family also. We also gave him a chance to try an American favorite... Fudge Rounds that we just happened to find in a random OXXO!!! We don´t think he really appreciated it as us girls did... it didn´t have chile! :) just kidding!
Laura sharing her testimony about how God called her to missions...

Amy sharing her testimony about how God called her to missions...

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