Thursday, June 28, 2007

We're still alive

The guys are back after a long absence, and have finally found a decent Internet connection. We are currently in Chiapas, but I am going to update you on our other travels before getting to the present.

We stayed in Oaxaca, Oaxaca for about four days, and got to spend some great time working with our buddy Manuel. Below is a picture of Nolan, Manuel, and Josh.

While in Oaxaca, we got to do a lot of fun things like going to Monte Alban, an ancient city of the Zapotecos, and visiting the largest tree in Mexico. Below is a picture of Nolan and I at Monte Alban, and below that at the large tree.

We have eaten some interesting foods on this trip, and Oaxaca was no exception. Below are pictures of both Nolan and I trying some grasshoppers. They actually weren't that bad, so I had two of them.

We had an excellent stay in Oaxaca, and from there traveled south to Salina Cruz, on the Pacific Coast. Check the next post for pictures and stories from Salina Cruz.

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