Thursday, July 5, 2007

Tuxtla - Part 2

Written July 5, 2007
Tuxtla Gutierrez, where Nolan and I were two weeks ago, is a beautiful city. The following picture was taken in the central plaza downtown, as the sun went down right after a big rainstorm.

On Friday, we visited the psycology campus of the UnACh. The picture below is of Nolan, Ubeldi, Deborah, Jose Antonio and Josh. Ubeldi studies psycology there. We met with a group of students and talked about how they can start a ministry next semester.

On Friday afternoon, we visited the plant where our host (and state MIES director) Victor works. The plant has helped to iradicate the boring screwfly from the United States to the southern border of Panama, and now they are trying to iradicate South America. The first picture is of Victor, his daughter Fernanda, and his wife Leti. The second is of our entire group of students that toured the plant. All of these students are passionate about reaching Tuxtla for Christ. The third picture is of Nolan and I doing some hardwork, with the help of a forklift, the most popular piece of heavy equipment in Mexico.

On Saturday, Victor took Nolan and I to the Sumidero lookout over Chiapa de Corzo. There is a river that runs through at very deep valley, with huge cliffs on both sides. The following picture is at the lookout.

Saturday night, there was a large meeting of students from all over the city. It was a good time, plus we got to talk to the group about starting evangelistic ministries on their campuses. Many students were excited about the opportunities. In the picture below we are with two of the student leaders, Elisa and Ubeldi, and little Fernanda was hanging out with us as well.

On Sunday we went to the church were Victor is the pastor, we had a great lunch, spoke at the largest church in Tuxtla in the evening, and then went to a birthday party for Claudia. Claudia is the youngest of the Guillen Pacheco sisters, who are part of one of our favorite families in Mexico. These guys are awesome! Below you can see Cyndi, Andrea, and Hector (the little brother) in back, with Claudia on their laps and Nolan and Josh in front. We had a great time playing games and celebrating Claudia's QuinceaƱera (15th birthday party). That is a big deal here in Mexico.

We left Tuxtla on Monday morning, and I will update you soon on our travels since then. Until next time, keep the Cremosas handy!

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