Sunday, July 8, 2007


Welcome to Tepic!! This was the first city that we visited that had an active MIES going on! It was great to visit and get to know the people and the ministry there! This is the University in Tepic...
We stayed with Tanya's family- she is the Director of the MIES here. Tanya was not there because she was doing summer missions. This is her brother and Laura on the train we took through the little park... Arely and me on the train...

We were only in Tepic for 2 days... however, it was a great visit! They have a very active MIES... two of members are on summer missions. They have groups from the US that come down to do 'intercambios' with the students who are learning English. While we were there- they were planning an evangelistic concert.... and raising money for summer missions! Always staying busy!

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