Sunday, July 8, 2007


Welcome to Mazatlan!! In this city, there is no University work going on that we know of... We had a contact... who we couldn't find! So, we took the next step... we went to the campuses and just talked with the students... and then also went to the churches and talked with the people there. After that, we had many contacts... who then let us know that they aren't working with University students. So... this city needs someone to work with them! We also took a couple of days to rest in this city... which was perfect because, it was by far my favorite city we went to!

Universities by the sea?! Yes, this is true...

At one of the universities we even met the director!! Okay, so- there weren't many students on campus becuase it was summer. But, we talked with a few... they told us that there aren't any Christian groups on campus... but, there are some students who are Christians.

This is the campus of Tourism. Notice the green grass and flowers! This was a pretty campus...

We went to the PIB of Mazatlan... it was interesting getting there. We decided to take a bus... it took us downtown- and then we had to kind of ask where it was from there. We walked.... and walked... and walked... and found it at the back of this residential area!! Everyone at this church was very kind and helpful!! This guy, Carlos, was the only student we found at the church. He is actually living in the US right now- and just came back to Mexico to find some sponsors- he's about to qualify for the Olympics!! So- look for him in Swimming!! He was also very helpful in getting us names of universities to visit.

This is one of my favorite things about the beach... sunsets!! Isn't it beautiful!!

In Mazatlan we took all kinds of transportation... also, this was our first tourist town- we were no longer the only gringas around! We were constantly spoken to in English... and honestly, it threw us off a bit... we answered in Spanish. The horses were no exception! The man the night before told us that it cost 50 for us to ride for a half hour on the beach! A GREAT deal we thought... so, we said we would come back the next night. And we found a different guy that told us 25... then he went down to 20 for the hour!! 20 pesos for the hour... WOW, what a GREAT deal. Laura even said, "I'd do this every night if I lived here it's so cheap!" Well, when the guy asked us to pay him... I handed him 20 pesos (about 2 US Dollars) and he just looked at me like I was crazy. And said... "I said 20 BUCKS" And I told him... "Well, this is 20 bucks to me... I live in Mexico, I don't have dollars... I thought you meant pesos!!!" And he was a little distraught... and Laura and I looked at eachother- Lucky for us we didn't bring that much money. We ended up paying 60 pesos each (about 6 US dollars)... he was nice about it- but it was funny! I think it was because we spoke in Spanish with him that he was okay with the mishap. So, the next night when we went to rent a 4-wheeler... he told us 150 for the hour... and I had to go back and ask him if it was in Pesos or dollars.... it was pesos, so we decided we could afford that! Oh the craziness of a tourist town!!!

Well, when you are sent into the wild without a car... you have to take what you can find... so, we had to rent a 4-wheeler for transportation :) Yes, the warning does say... 'Do not ride on flat surfaces... Do not ride on main roads with cars... Do not ride without a helmet... Do not have passengers...' Yeah, we broke all but one rule... however, I don't think my helmet was approved by authorities... it was falling off my head... however, at least I tried! It's Mexico... no rules- just fun! Okay, just kidding... there are rules... it's not that free of a country, just a few less 'regulations'! ... Oh, by the way... this picture was taken in front of a university- so technically, we were 'working'... you know, Laura and I really never stop working... it's a way of life :)

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