Thursday, July 19, 2007

San Cristobal, Palenque, Arista, Guatemala

***I am now in the USA. We tried to update the blog multiple times while traveling across Chiapas, but we never had decent internet access. Now that I am online, I will fill you in on the rest of the trip.***

After leaving Tuxtla Gutierrez, Nolan and I hit four locations in about six days. It was a wild adventure. We first went to San Cristobal de las Casas, a fairly large city about and hour away from Tuxtla. It is higher up in the mountains, and is known for its cool, fresh climate. On the way there, we had a little car trouble. Below, Josh is trying to figure out why we were leaking so much coolant.

We spent a day and a half in San Cristobal, and had the opportunity to meet with a group of young people in the city and talk to them about university ministry. There is currently no evangelical work that we know of on the university campuses in this city. We continue to pray that some of the youth will catch the vision of reaching college students for Christ in San Cristobal. Below is a picture of Nolan (in the middle) with Angeles, Elisa, and the brother and sister of Angeles. This was on Monday night as we toured the city.

We spent Tuesday working in San Cristobal, and getting the car fixed, and then on Wednesday we traveled to Palenque, a beautiful site in northern Chiapas were there are many ruins from the Mayan civilization. The first picture is a high valley in the mountains of northern Chiapas. Getting there was no easy task, as we took one of the most difficult, yet picturesque roads I have ever seen. The second picture is of our group at Palenque, in front of the temple of inscriptions. From left to right is Josh, Angeles, Elisa, and Nolan.

After leaving Palenque, we traveled south to two beautiful waterfalls. Chiapas is a very pretty place, and has many natural wonders. The picture below is of Josh and Nolan at la cascada Misol Ha. Later we went to las cascadas Agua Azul (Blue Water), where we spent a lot of time swimming.

On Thursday we went south, but the group in Tapachula wasn't ready for us yet, so we stopped to spend a day on the beach. We ended up in Puerto Arista, Chiapas, where the waves were huge and the beach was wide and unoccupied. We had a great time relaxing and playing in the water. The first picture is of some of the huge wave action. The second is Nolan taking a siesta in a hammock.

After resting for the day we again went south, stopping in Tapachula to meet with our friend Leyver, and then on to Guatemala. We spent a day and a half in Guatemala, checking out Antigua and Guatemala City. We were somewhat concerned that we wouldn't make it back to Mexico, but thankfully we caught the last bus out of there and arrived in Tapachula Sunday night. The first picture below is Nolan at the Guatemala border. There were hoards of kids trying to "help" us get across the border. It was really tough, you know, walking across a bridge and everything. The second picture is Josh and Nolan with our new buddy Ben, who is from France. We met on the bus, and spent some time hanging out in Antigua.

After returning from Guatemala, we spent several days in Tapachula. I will tell you about that in the next post.

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